Department of Building Engineering and Construction Management


Md. Mehrab Hossain

Assistant Professor
+88041769468-75 Ext.8717(O)
[email protected]

Research Interest: Google Scholar Link Research Collaboration Reviewers Research Interest





B.Sc. in Building Engineering and Construction Management
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (2014-2018) Group: BECM, Merit Position: First,
Higher Secondary Certificate
Naogaon Govt. College,Bangladesh (2011-2013) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,
Secondary School Certificate
Tilakpur High School,Bangladesh (2005-2011) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,

Scholarship and Award

  • President Gold Medal Award

    Currently selected as President Gold Medal Award. This award is given by university for securing first position in any department of faculty in Bangladesh.

  • Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2018

    Awarded as “Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2018” from the Honorable Prime Minister for securing first position in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at KUET.This awarding ceremony was organized by University Grants Commissions (UGC) of Bangladesh.


  • Google Scholar Link
  • Research Collaboration
  • Currently active as the Co-founder, Deputy Managing Director and Research Assistant of Advanced Construction Engineering Management Lab ( which is an independent private research lab.
  • Reviewers
  • 1. Currently active as the potential reviewer of International Journal of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald Insight.
    2. Currently active as the potential reviewer of International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Emerald Insight.
    3. Currently active as the potential reviewer of International Journal of Construction Management, Taylor & Francis Group.
    4. Currently active as the potential reviewer of International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management, Taylor & Francis Group.
    5. Currently active as the potential reviewer of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering.
  • Research Interest
  • 1. Construction Engineering and Management, Building Engineering
    2. Smart Technology in Construction
    3. Automation in Construction
    4. Building Information Modeling
    5. Energy Efficient Building and Environmental Technology
    6. AR & VR and Sensing Technology
    7. Risk and Hazard Management
    8. Quality Control and Dynamic Analysis
    9. Sustainable and Lean Construction


Service Records
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Building Engineering and Construction Management
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Building Engineering and Construction Management
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
Professional Body Membership
  • Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Associate Member
    Member ID: A 39302

Teaching and Supervision

Last Update: 10-Jul-2024