Department of Civil Engineering


Mamun Mahmud

Mobile: +8801797318389; Tel.: +88-02477733364~66, Ext-8237
[email protected]

Research Interest: Water & Environmental Engineering


Mamun Mahmud completed his BSc Degree from Civil Engineering Department, KUET. He joined this department as Lecturer in 23 March 2023.  His academic pursuits are deeply focused on the intricate relationship between air pollution and its repercussions on both human health and the environment. His research endeavors aim to unravel the complex, multi-scale interactions between air pollutants and the natural as well as built environments, with the goal of clarifying how these dynamics influence public health and sustainability. He is also interested in Drought Characterization, Low Impact Development, Renewable and Sustainable energy, River ecology.


M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (M.Sc. Scholar)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, Bangladesh, (July 2023-Present)
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203,Bangladesh (2018-2023) Group: Civil Engineering, Student Type: Regular, Merit Position: 1st,
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)
BAF Shaheen College, Jashore-7404, (2017) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,
Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Basantapur Secondary School, Jhenaidah, (2015) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,

Scholarship and Award

  • Technical Scholarship

    I received technical scholarship from government of Bangladesh during my undergraduate study.

  • Deans Award

    I received Deans Award in every academic year during my undergraduate study for academic excellency.


  • Water & Environmental Engineering
  • => Micro-Characterization of PM
    =>Climate Change and its Impact Assessment
    =>Flood, Drought Assessment and Forecasting
    => Incorporating climate information in water resources/hydrologic decision making


Service Records
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Civil Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 23-Mar-2023 to Present

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

Mamun Mahmud conducted a range of courses in Civil Engineering Department, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Architecture Department and Urban and Planning Department.

  1. In Civil Engineering Department:

(i) CE 2161_Fluid Mechanics (Credit: 4.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Kinematics of fluid flow; Concepts and basic equations continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation, energy equation; momentum equation and forces of fluid flow.
  • Steady incompressible flow in pressure conduits; Laminar and turbulent flow; General equation for fluid friction; Empirical equations for pipe flow; Minor losses in pipe flow; Pipes in series and parallel, branching of pipes; pipe networks.
  • Fluid Measurement: Pitot tube, orifice, mouthpiece, nozzle, venturi meter, weir, and notch.

(ii) CE 2261_Hydrology (Credit: 3.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Precipitation
  • Evaporation
  • Transpiration
  • Infiltration
  • Rainfall-Runoff Relationships
  • Hydrologic Routing

       2. In Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department:

(i) CE 1104_Civil Engineering Drawing (Credit: 0.75)

Course Content Covered:

  • Basic considerations regarding plan of a Residential Building.
  • Elevation and Section of a Building.

      3. In Architecture Department:

(i) CE 2225_Structure II (Credit: 2.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Stresses and strains in members subjected to tension, Compression, Shear and Temperature 
  • Deflection in Statically determinate Beams by Area Moment Method.

(ii) CE 3125_Structure III: Reinforced Concrete Design (Credit: 2.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design.
  • Concept of WSD and USD Methods.
  • Analysis and Design of Reinforced Beams by USD.

3. In Urban and Planning Department:

(i) CE 2241_Principles of Environmental Engineering (Credit: 3.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Sanitation: urban and rural sanitation; low-cost sanitation technologies; elements of conventional water borne system - collection, transportation, treatment and disposal; planning of sanitation systems.

  • Storm drainage.

  • Solid waste management.

  • Environmental pollution: air, water and soil, and noise pollution.

(ii) CE 3261_Water Resources Planning (Credit: 3.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, stream flow, evaporation and transpiration.

  • Rainfall-runoff relationship.

  • Hydrograph analysis.

  • Groundwater occurrence and wells.

(iii) CE 2107_Construction Technology and Materials (Credit: 3.0)

Course Content Covered:

  • Building Construction Technology: timbering trenches, types of foundations, brick work, cavity wall construction, masonry, centre of arches and lintels, ground and upper floors, Single Roofs, states and tiled roofs, built up roof and caddling, windows and doors, partitions and plastering, plumbing and electrical installation. Bridge construction technology; road construction technology.

Last Update: 27-Aug-2024