Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Yusuf

[email protected]

Research Interest: 2021_Target Research Area (Self motivated students are encouraged to take part in the following state of art topics): Modern Healthcare Monitoring System Signal Processing Power System Analysis and Design Image Processing and Video Coding


Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Yusuf received his BSc, MSc and PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with First Class from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) in 2001, 2005 and 2016, respectively. After he obtained the BSc Engineering degree, he joined in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of KUET as a Lecturer in 2001. Latter on he joined as an Assistant Professor in 2005 and Associate Professor in 2014 respectively. Currently, Dr. Yusuf is serving as a Professor in the same department. He is very active in research activities and published over 40 technical journal and conference papers. In professional activities Dr. Yusuf is a life fellow of Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh [F-10967] and a regular member of International Association for the Engineers (IAENG) [Member No: 145275]. He is also a member of IEEE (Membership No.94299155). As Sub-Project Manager, he has successfully completed the World Bank funded Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) through UGC, Bangladesh. He also completed and continuing several research project funded by CASR(KUET) and UGC, Bangladesh. His research interests mainly focus on: Signal/Image and Video Processing, Image/Video Quality Assessment, Face Recognition and Authentication, Power System Analysis.




Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (2016) Student Type: Regular,
Master's of Science in Electrical and Electronic Eneering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (2005) Student Type: Regular,
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Khulna,Bangladesh (2001) Group: EEE, Student Type: Regualr,
Thesis Title: Transient Stability Analysis of Multi-Machine System
Higher Secondary School Certificate
Bogra Cantonment Public School and College,Bangladesh (1995) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular, Merit Position: 10th Place in Rajshahi Board,
Secondary School Certificate
Bogra Zilla School,Bangladesh (1993) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular,

Scholarship and Award


  • 2021_Target Research Area (Self motivated students are encouraged to take part in the following state of art topics):
  • (i) Face Liveness Detection and Emotion Analysis (ii) GAN-based Image and Video Generation (iii) Deep Learning based Security Authentication (iv) Human Emotion Analysis and Modeling (V) Human Activity Recognition challenges and their remedies
  • Modern Healthcare Monitoring System
  • Design and Implementation of a Hospital Based Modern Healthcare Monitoring System on Android Platform
  • Signal Processing
  • EEG, ECG, EMG, EOG signal analysis and interpretation, Heart rate analysis from PPG, Face Liveness recognition and Authentication.
  • Power System Analysis and Design
  • Smart Grid and its Impact Analysis, Power System Transient Analysis, Lightning Surge Analysis on Transmission and Communication Tower and Design of Surge Arrester
  • Image Processing and Video Coding
  • My recent research interests mainly focus on: Deep Learn based Image and Video Processing,Content-based Video Copy Detection, GAN-based Image and Video Generation, Image/Video Quality Assessment.
    Moving Object detection and Identification,Deep Learning based Finger Vein Recognition


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
Professional Body Membership
  • Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Life Fellow
    Member ID: F-10967

  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

    Member Type: Regular
    Member ID: 145275


    Member Type: Professional
    Member ID: 94299155

Teaching and Supervision

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024