Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Dr. Md. Tawabur Rahman

+88041-769468-75, Ext.8315
[email protected]

Research Interest: Electrochemical/Chemical/Bio/Optical Sensors, Microfabrication & Characterization, 2D Materials (Graphene, TMDCs, etc.), Perovskite Solar Cells, MOSFETs, and Nanotechnology.


I am Dr. Md. Tawabur Rahman, currently working as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna-9203, Bangladesh. I received PhD in Electrical Engineering from South Dakota State University, USA. I've also received both BS and MS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from KUET. My research is focused on Electrochemical/Chemical/Bio/Optical Sensors for human health, environment, and agricultural applications. Besides sensors, I am working on microfabrication & characterization, 2D materials (Graphene, TMDCs, etc.), perovskite solar cells, MOSFETs, and nanotechnology. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My research has been published as scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals including Advanced Functional Material, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,  IEEE Sensors Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Applied Energy Materials, ACS Applied Nano Materials, etc.

*To know further about the ongoing research projects, group members, and collaboration, please visit Photonics Group KUET!

Google Scholar Link





PhD in Electrical Engineering
M.Sc. Eng. (EEE)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (2012-2014)
B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,Bangladesh (2007-2011) Group: EEE, Merit Position: 2nd,

Scholarship and Award

  • Junior Scholarship


  • Primary Scholarship


  • Placed in Dean List (in B.Sc.)

    2009 & 2010

  • Dr. Fatema Rashid Best Paper Awards- 3rd Position

    International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT), Dhaka, 2015

  • Education Board Scholarship

    April 2007- 2011


  • Electrochemical/Chemical/Bio/Optical Sensors, Microfabrication & Characterization, 2D Materials (Graphene, TMDCs, etc.), Perovskite Solar Cells, MOSFETs, and Nanotechnology.
  • For more details, please visit
    Photonics Group KUET!


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: EEE
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Organization Type: 25-Jun-2024 to Present
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: EEE
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 15-Dec-2022 to 24-Jun-2024
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: EEE
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 12-Jul-2014 to 14-Dec-2022
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: EEE
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 01-Jan-2012 to 11-Jul-2014
Professional Body Membership
  • Engineers Institution Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Associate
    Member ID:

  • IEEE

    Member Type:
    Member ID: 98886460

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction Undergraduate
1. 4th year Thesis supervision
2. 3rd year Project supervision

Graduate Thesis Supervision

For more details, please visit
Photonics Group KUET!

Last Update: 14-Aug-2024