Department of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Md. Arifuzzaman

+88-02477733351-69, Ext. 431
[email protected]

Research Interest: Composite Materials, Building Materials, Sandwich Structures


Md. Arifuzzaman an experienced academic with a proven history of working at the university since 2010. His research experiences include manufacturing and characterization of composite materials such as particulate composites, fiber-reinforced composites, and sandwich structures for applications in construction and building industries. He is skillful in manufacturing composite materials, testing their mechanical and thermal properties, designing experimental setups, characterizing materials using SEM and EDS, writing grant applications and research papers, etc. Prof. Arifuzzaman is also working as a Testing Officer at CRTS (Consultancy, Research and Testing Services) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET. He is a member of the Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh. He developed novel composites using expanded perlite particles and sodium silicate solution for building wallboard and ceiling tiles applications. He developed a predictive model for compressive strength based on the rule of mixtures. He modeled the foam and particle envelope densities and volume fractions theoretically for prediction and practical evaluation. A new evaluative method was developed for the calculation of volume fractions in the composites and validated against syntactic foams. He also theoretically conceptualized the plane stress and plane strain conditions for compressive strength and modulus of perlite syntactic foams, and their existence was experimentally verified for practical characterization. He identified the failure mechanism of perlite composites and their sandwich structure under flexural loading which gives the future direction of improvement. He found a unique diffusion behavior of the perlite/sodium silicate composite and investigated the method of finding the diffusion coefficients. Currently, He is working on the improvement of the mechanical properties of perlite/sodium silicate particulate composite materials. He is also working on the strengthening mechanisms of gypsum-based composites. Prof. Arifuzzaman has published 20 papers in reputed peer-reviewed journals and presented my work at 20 international conferences worldwide. He has examined 1 Ph. D. (Italy) and 3 M. Sc. Engineering theses (Bangladesh). He has taught several courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervised more than 20 undergraduate (B. Sc. Engineering) and 1 postgraduate (M. Sc. Engineering) theses. He has been awarded several prestigious awards and scholarships throughout my academic career including three Best Paper Awards, the Postgraduate Research Prize, and the Prime Minister Gold Medal. My goal is to become a leader in teaching and research in the field of Construction Materials Engineering.




Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
The University of Newcastle,Australia (2013-2017)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2010-2012)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2006-2010)

Scholarship and Award

  • University of Newcastle Research Scholarship Central (UNRSC 50:50)

  • University of Newcastle International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (UNIPRS)

  • Postgraduate Research Prize 2015, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, The University of Newcastle, Australia

  • English as a Second Language Achievement Award, 2014, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, The University of Newcastle, Australia

  • Prime Ministers Gold Medal for securing 1st position in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in undergraduate level, Bangladesh

  • Technical scholarship of Government of Peoples Republic, Bangladesh throughout four years of undergraduate study for continuous distinct performance

  • University Grant Commission (UGC) Scholarship for securing 1st position in the Department of Mechanical Engineering during undergraduate study


  • Composite Materials, Building Materials, Sandwich Structures
  • Lightweight particles filled building materials, Fibre reinforced composites, FEA of materials


Service Records
  • Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Testing Officer
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Consultency, Research and Tesing Services
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
Professional Body Membership
  • Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID: M/38243

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction


Number of Undergraduate Students: 4
Number of Postgraduate Students: 1 (M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering)


B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering: 20
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering: 1

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024