Department of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam

+880-41-769468-75 Ext. 435
[email protected]

Research Interest: Computational Mechanics (Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering)






Doctor of Engineering
Masters of Engineering
Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT),Japan (2009)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.Sc. Engineering)
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),Bangladesh (2001) Group: Mechanical Engineering,
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
Noapara College, Abhaynagar,Bangladesh (1995) Group: Science,
Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Rajghat Jafarpur Secondary School,Bangladesh (1993) Group: Science,

Scholarship and Award

  • Merit Order Scholarship

    Merit order scholarship through out the 4 years study of B.Sc. Engineering.

  • Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship

    International Graduate Course for Continuing Professional Development which is for researchers and engineers from developing countries to provide the opportunity of advanced study, research and experience in engineering fields so that they can contribute to the industrial development of their home countries.

  • Best Paper Award

    International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT-2013). Paper Title: Numerical Investigation of Singularity at a Vertex in 3D Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Bonded Joints by FEM

  • Best Paper Award

    4th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial & Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2016). Paper Title: Stress Analysis in 3D Two-phase Transversely Isotropic Piezo-ceramic Bi-material using BEM

  • Excellent Paper Award

    IASTEM International Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Paper Title: Evaluation of Stress Field at the Vertex of the Interface in Three-Dimensional Dissimilar Material Joints.


  • Computational Mechanics (Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering)
  • 1. Analysis of intensity of singularity at a vertex in 3D transversely isotropic piezoelectric bonded joints by boundary element method.
    2. Analysis of order of singularity in 3D transversely isotropic piezoelectric and elastic bonded joints by finite element method.
    The Intensity of singularity for the bimaterial joint can be evaluated by the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the order of the stress singularity for the bimaterial joint can be evaluated by the eigen analysis based on Finete Element Method (FEM). In our present investigation, we use 3D transversery isotropic piezoelectric and elastic bonded structure. The influence of the electric field should be considered for the deformation of the piezoelectric material. We analyze the optimal material combination such that the intensity of singularity and order of the stress singularity can be minimized.


Service Records
  • Chairman, Executive Committee
    Department/Section: Executive Committee (Faculty of ME)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 20-Jan-2023 to Present
  • Member, Academic Council
    Department/Section: KUET
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 06-Jul-2014 to Present
  • VC (Acting)
    Department/Section: KUET
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 06-Aug-2024 to 11-Aug-2024
  • Professor (Grade- 2)
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 08-Dec-2020 to Present
    Responsibility: Engineering
  • Member
    Department/Section: Committee for Advance Studies and Research (CASR)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Dec-2019 to 12-Mar-2022
  • Dean, Faculty of ME
    Department/Section: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 20-Jan-2023 to Present
  • Member of the Syndicate
    Department/Section: The University Syndicate
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 20-Jan-2023 to 31-Jul-2023
  • Member, Officer Selection Committee
    Department/Section: Officer (Grade-4 to Grade-10)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 13-Mar-2022 to Present
  • Head, ME
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 29-Jun-2020 to 28-Jun-2022
    Working Area: Head of the Department
  • Secretary, CRTS-ME
    Department/Section: CRTS, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Jan-2017 to 31-Dec-2018
  • Organizing Secretary of ICMIEE 2018
    Department/Section: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Feb-2018 to 31-Dec-2018
    Working Area: International Conference
  • Member, CASR
    Department/Section: Committee for Advance Studies and Research (CASR)
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 20-Jan-2023 to Present
    Working Area: Advance Studies and Research
  • Chairman, CRTS-ME
    Department/Section: CRTS, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 01-Jul-2019 to 30-Jun-2021
    Working Area: Consultancy, Research & Testing
  • Consultancy, Research & Testing Officer
    Department/Section: CRTS, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technolgy (KUET) 09-Mar-2003 to Present
    Working Area: Consultancy, Research & Testing
  • Assistant Engineer
    Department/Section: Mechanical Engineering
    Prasthapana Limited 01-Apr-2002 to 31-Aug-2002
    Working Area: Engineering
  • Maintenance Engineer
    Department/Section: Utility and Service
    Dhaka Tobacco Industry 01-Sep-2002 to 01-Nov-2002
    Working Area: Engineering
  • Executive
    Department/Section: Power Plant
    Beximco Textiles Limited 02-Nov-2002 to 08-Mar-2003
    Working Area: Engineering
  • Lecturer
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 09-Mar-2003 to 08-May-2006
    Working Area: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technolgy (KUET) 09-May-2006 to 05-Jul-2014
    Working Area: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
  • Professor (Grade- 3)
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 06-Sep-2016 to 07-Dec-2020
    Working Area: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
  • Associate Professor
    Department/Section: Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 06-Jul-2014 to 05-Sep-2016
    Working Area: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
Professional Body Membership
  • Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Fellow
    Member ID: F-11156

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction

ME 1200: Mechanical Engineering Drawing I (Credit: 1.50) Fundamental principles and applications of Orthogonal projection; Visibility, Angle problem; Oblique projection; Isometric projection; Auxiliary projection, Orthographic and auxiliary projection from pictorial views; pictorial projection from orthographic views, Development of objects. Descriptive Geometry: Projection, methods of transferring projection, practical application of descriptive geometry.

ME 1221: Computer and Computer Languages (Credit: 4.00) General Discussion about computer and its components, discussion about programming languages and software packages. FORTRAN Fundamental of FORTRAN Language; Standard input/output statement and its field width; real and integer variables; built in mathematical functions; arithmetic assignment statement; conditional and unconditional transfer; flow chart, relational expressions, controlling a loop, logical and arithmetic IF statement, GO TO statement; DO loop, necessity of the CONTINUE statement, Nested DO loop, Implied DO loop, Arrays and subscripted variables, DIMENSION statement, Multidimensional arrays, Functions and Subroutines, program development and application; Sorting, Searching, solution of certain equations, String variables and constants; Logical constants and logical variables. Special topics: IMPLICIT statement, double precision, COMMON statement, OPEN statement, CLOSE statement, REWIND Statement, BLOCK DATA statement, EQUIVALENCE statement. ME 1222 Sessional on ME 1221 (Credit: 0.75) Programming practice with FORTRAN languages based on the theory of ME 1221.

ME 2105: Thermodynamics (Credit: 4.00) Introduction: Macroscopic and Microscopic points of view; Definition of Thermodynamic terms; Heat , Work and their path dependence. Ideal Gas: Definition and suitability as thermodynamic fluid; Equation of state; various thermodynamic processes. Specific heats; Internal energy; Enthalpy. Laws of Thermodynamics: Statement and their corollaries, criterion of reversibility and irreversibility, entropy, Gibbs function and Helmohtzs function, Maxwell’s relations. Air Standard Cycles: Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycles, Dual cycle, Stirling cycle, Erricsion cycle, Joule cycle, Brayton cycle, and their applications; Representation of various cycles on p-V and T-s planes; Cycle efficiency; Air compressors and blowers. Vapor Power Cycles: Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle; Reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle; Binary cycle; Introduction to combined cycle. Mixture of Gases and Vapors: Mixture of ideal gases, gravimetric and volumetric analysis; Dalton’s law of partial pressure, volume and entropy of gaseous mixture; Isentropic process with gaseous mixtures; Specific humidity, relative humidity, dew point, dry and wet bulb temperatures; Adiabatic saturation; Construction of psychometric chart and its uses. Fuels and Its Properties: Classification of fuels; Formation of coal and petroleum fuel, grading of coal; Calorific value of fuels and its measurement; Freezing point, Flash point, Boiling point, Viscosity of liquid fuels; Modern development of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Nuclear fuels. ME 2106 Sessional on ME 2105 (Credit: 0.75) Experiments based on the theory of ME 2105.

ME 2211: Mechanics of Solid (Credit: 4.00) Stress and Strain: Introduction; Analysis of internal forces; Tensile, compressive, bearing and shearing stresses; Stresses in thin-walled pressure cylinder; Stress-strain diagram; Axial, biaxial and triaxial deformations; Statically indeterminate members; Thermal stresses. Statically Determinate Beams: Introduction; Different types of loading and supports; Shear force and bending moment diagrams; Stresses in beams, flexure formula, economic sections, shearing stresses in beams, general shear formula; variation of shearing stresses in beams; Deflection of beams, double integration, area-moment and superposition methods; Reinforced beams, design of reinforced concrete beams. Statically Indeterminate Beams: Introduction; Propped and restrained beams; Design of restrained beams; Continuous beams; Derivation of the three-moment equation and its applications; Determination of support reactions of continuous beams; Torsion: Introduction; Torsion formula; Angle of twist; Shaft couplings and helical springs; Analysis and design of circular shaft. Combined Stresses: Introduction; Combined axial and bending stresses; Kern of section; Stress at a point; Analytical method for the determination of stresses on oblique sections; Mohr’s circle and its application to combined loadings; Transformation of strain components; Strain rosette; Columns: Introduction; Critical load, slenderness ratio and classification of columns; Euler’s formula, empirical formulas and secant formula. Riveted and Welded Connections: Introduction; Stresses in riveted joints; Eccentrically loaded riveted and welded connections. ME 2212 Sessional on ME 2211 (Credit: 0.75) Experiments based on the theory of ME 2211.

ME 3121: Numerical Method (Credit: 3.00) Interpolation: Newton’s formulae for forward and backward interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation method, Stirling’s interpolation method and Bessel’s interpolation method. Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equation: Iterative method, Regula falsi method, Newton-Raphson method; Graphical presentation and significance of the above methods; Initial approximation and convergence criteria, Checking for convergence. Solution of Linear Algebraic Equation: Iterative method, Matrix inversion method, Gauss elimination and pivoting method, Triangular factorization method. Numerical Differentiation: Expansion of a function by Taylor’s series; Forward difference formula, Central difference formula and Backward difference formula, their error calculation and application. Graphical method of differentiation; Partial differentiation. Numerical Integration: General formula for equidistant ordinates, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, Weddle’s rule and calculation of their error; Graphical integration. Solution of Differential Equations: Introduction to differential equation, geometric interpretation; Euler’s method, Taylor series method, Runge-Kutta method of different order, Predictor-Corrector methods, their application and error analysis. Solution of Partial Differential Equations (PDE): Introduction to differential equation, geometric interpretation; Definition of Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic PDE and their solution by finite difference technique, D’Alembert’s solution, Crank-Nicholson method, Iterative method. Calculation of residuals and test of accuracy. Curve Fitting: Linear regression and correlation, Least squares estimators, confidence limits and test of significance. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors: Introduction and concept of Eigen value and Eigen vector. Solution of homogeneous linear system, estimation of the size of Eigen values. ME 3122 Sessional on ME 3121 (Credit: 0.75) Computer applications on the problems based on the theory of ME 3121.

ME 4105: Applied Thermodynamics (Credit:4.00) Gas Turbines: Open and closed cycle gas turbines and their performances; Modifications of simple gas turbines cycle; reheat, regenerative, inter-cooling etc. Jet propulsion and rocket propulsion; propellants and their criteria; Air-Fuel Ratio, Specific Fuel Consumption. Efficiency of propulsive units; Boosting. Turbo-machinery: Steam turbines, Impulse and reaction type, convergent and divergent nozzles theory and design of nozzles; Stage efficiency, degree of reaction. Performance of steam turbines. Compounding of turbines, optimum velocity ratio, reheat factor and condition line, loses in steam turbines, steam turbine governing. Steam Condensers. Internal Combustion Engines: Classification of engines, Engine testing, types of tests, measurement of torque, speed, fuel and air consumption etc.; Heat balance; Performance factors, indicator diagram, Indicated power, brake power, mep, specific fuel consumption; thermal, mechanical and volumetric efficiencies; performance curves, factors limiting performance of IC engines; Fuel metering of SI and CI engines; reaction rate and flame propagation, auto ignition and chemical reaction; knocking and detonation in SI and CI engines; fuel additives; Combustion chamber design of SI and CI engines; Scavenging and Supercharging; ME 4106 Sessional on ME 4205 (Credit: 0.75) Experiments based on the theory of ME 4105.

Course Supervision

Supervision of Thesis of Postgraduate Students:


Master Degree/Ph.D

Years of Award

Student’s Name


M.Sc. Engineering (ME)

March, 2016

A. H. M. Abdullah Al Mamun


M.Sc. Engineering (ME)

December, 2016

Debasish Adhikary


M.Sc. Engineering (ME)

September, 2021

Somnath Somadder


M.Sc. Engineering (ME)

March, 2023

Md. Tasnim Rana


M.Sc. Engineering (ME)

June, 2024

Jasim Ahmed Chowdhury



Examiner for Evaluating the PhD Thesis:




Name of the University



Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Bangladesh



Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Bangladesh



Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia



Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, India


Last Update: 21-Aug-2024