Department of Urban and Regional Planning


Md. Esraz-Ul-Zannat

Assistant Professor
+880-41-769468-75, Telex: 665
[email protected]

Research Interest: GIS, Remote Sensing Applications in Disaster Management and Risk Reduction, Water and Environment, Climate Change, Urban Planning and development


T H A N K  Y O U  S O  M U C H  F O R  V I S I T I N G  M Y  P R O F I L E


If God, for a second, forgot what I have become and granted me a little bit more of life, I would use it to the best of my ability. I wouldn't, possibly, say everything that is in my mind, but I would be more thoughtful of all I say. I would give merit to things not for what they are worth, but for what they mean to express.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Md. Esraz-Ul-Zannat
(মোঃ à¦à¦¸à§à¦°à¦¾à¦œ-উল-জানà§à¦¨à¦¾à¦¤)

Professional Urban Planner (Enlisted by BIP)
Board Member (Research & Publication)
Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

Assistant Professor
Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP)
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Cell : +8801712688268, +8801919688268
Tel : +880-41-769468-75, Telex : 665
Fax : +880-41-774403
Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Skype : srazuz

CV of Md. Esraz-Ul-Zannat








I have been experienced majorly in GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry and its applications in water and environment, but I don't like it as much as I should do.

Currently I am a faculty member (Assistant Professor) of the department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna-9203, Bangladesh.

Previously, I was employed as GIS and RS Specialist in Institute of Water Modelling (IWM). I was an Adjunct Faculty of the Public Health Department under Faculty of Science & Engineering, ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) as well.

I did my post graduation in Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka in 2012, where my research topic was "A Study on Land Use Policies of Khulna Structure Plan 2000-2020 in the Light of Climate Change Induced Flood Scenario". I am graduated also in Urban and Regional Planning (BURP) in the same department from the same university in 2007 with having research titled as "Localization of Socio-economic Facilities of Narsingdi District: An Approach to Regional Growth Analysis".

I have more than 6 years of professional experience in the field of Urban Planning, GIS & Remote Sensing, and climate change. I started my career as GIS analyst at Golden Harvest Scankort GIS Ltd. in 2007 and later on I joined in Autodesk Bangladesh: Win-Win Infosys Ltd. as instructor of AutoCAD Map 3D & Civil 3D in the same year. Afterward I switched to Data Experts (Pvt.) Limited (datEx) in 2008 and was involved as Assistant Urban Planner & GIS Specialist in two large projects viz. Detail Area Plan (DAP) followed by Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) for Dhaka Metropolitan City & Pourashava Master Plan (a project of LGED) for 2 years. I joined IWM in November, 2009 as Junior GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist.

Urban Planning, GIS & Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Spatial Analysis, Spatial Database Management, Python Scripting Language

Along with research and teaching experience I have more than 9 years’ experience in the field of Geospatial (GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry) Applications, Surveying, water management and planning, Urban Planning, and Land Use Planning as well.

I am having teaching experience as an adjunct faculty of ASA University under the programme of Master of Public Health in the subject of Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Public Health. I was trained at home both with local and overseas faculties on Environmental Application of Remote Sensing, Basic Training on AutoCad Civil 3D & AutoCad Map 3D, Urban growth modelling using Dinamica etc. I Imparted training on Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, both to the local and overseas faculties, to the staff of the Institute of Water Modelling as regular routine HRD programme and to the different organizations of Bangladesh. I carried out my master’s research titled A Study on Land Use Policies of Khulna Structure Plan 2000-2020 in the Light of Climate Change Induced Flood Scenario which is associated with climate change, land use, damage assessment, and land use policies etc.

I have been working under various projects with different assignments including maintaining the survey data to produce high quality outputs, preparation of associated data bank, producing location maps, contour maps, Digital Elevation Model, Geo rectification & classification of Satellite Images and other GIS & RS related activities.

I have extensive knowledge of working with GIS tools and software like ArcGIS 10 and 10.1, ERDAS Imagine, AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D, Dinamica etc. I wished to explore different software for upcoming tasks when it requires.

As an academician, researcher and professional, I was involved in many projects: Few of the major Project that best illustrate my capability to handle the tasks assigned:

•Consultancy Assignment on “Developing a Waterbody Management Tool, Waterbody Management Guidebook and Training for City Corporation Officials†by GIZ Bangladesh, Barisal City Corporation (BCC), Bangladesh

•‘Preparation and Supplying Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of (i) the Ganges-Kobadak Irrigation Project (GKIP) and (ii) the Teesta Barrage Project (TBP)’ A project of the Mott-Macdonald, a UK based Consultancy Firm

•“Forecast based Preparedness – a new finance mechanism for improved disaster preparedness in Bangladesh†A project of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and German Red Cross (GRC) Noakhali, Bangladesh

•Rampal 1320MW Thermal Power Plant (Second Phase), A project of the Government of Bangladesh. Rampal, Khulna, Bangladesh

•Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas†A project of Urban Development Directorate (UDD) Bogra, Bangladesh

•Pro-Poor Market-Based Solutions for Fecal Sludge Management, Funded by SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) Khulna, Bangladesh

•Detailed GIS Mapping for LIC Units in Some Selected Slums (eight slums) in Dhaka City Technical Support Services Limited (Techsus Ltd.), Dhaka, Bangladesh

•Studying the Cause of Water Logging at Matshya Bhaban Campus, Arabpur Jashore with Proposed Design and Drawing of the Structures for Removing Water Logging And Preparation of Design, Drawing, Estimate & Supervision of Fish Fry and Fingerling Sale Center at Chanchra, Jashore, Jashore, Bangladesh

•Research on Disaster Prevention/Mitigation Measures against Flood and Storm Surges in Bangladesh, Bangladesh

•World bank and UGC funded IQAC project under HEQEP in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at KUET Bangladesh

•Urban Growth Modelling to Determine City Runoff in the Future

•Research with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization ), Australia on Integrated Water Resources Assessment in Bangladesh Urban Growth Modelling to Determine City Runoff in the Future

•Collaborative Research on Flood Resilience in Urban Area (CORFU)

•Kalni-Kushiyara River Management Project by Using Mathematical Model and State-of-the-art Survey Technique

•Technical and Financial Proposal for Index Based Flood Insurance Product for Sirajganj District – Phase II

•ADB: Strengthening the Resilience of the Water Sector in Khulna City to Climate Change

•Topographical and Physical Feature Survey and Mapping for Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP)

•Water Management Improvement Project

•Preparation of Master Plan for Pourashavas under Upazila Town Infrastructure Development Project (UTIDP), Package:7

•Preparation of Detailed Area Plan for Dhaka Metropolitan Development Planning (DMDP) Area: Group B and part of D;

As an academician, researcher and professional, I carried out different tasks in aforementioned major projects: Few of the major tasks that best illustrate my capability to handle the tasks assigned:

•Urban Growth Modelling

•Land Use Planning

•Geo-processing, spatial analysis and GIS modelling

•Customizing and executing of different type of spatial analysis and ArcGIS interface

•Spatial tool development using ArcGIS modelling

•3D Surface Analysis

•GIS Mapping, coordinating and supervising of data processing and collections

•Remote Sensing data geo-referencing, processing, interpretation and its application

•Management and storing of Spatial Data.

•Design & development of reports.

•Training and technology transfer to the clients.

•Metadata base design and development.

•GIS Project Management, Planning, monitoring, budgeting and Reporting.

•Land Use Plan, Environmental Drainage Master Plan, Traffic Management plan preparation

•Structure Plan Policy and Proposal Formulation

•Urban Area Plan and Detailed Area Plan preparation

•Conducting extensive field survey

•Conducting and participating different seminars and workshops

•Carrying out different type of socio-economic, demographic and spatial data analysis

•Data modelling especially population projection and future growth prediction

•Technical and financial proposal writing



Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),Bangladesh (2007-2012) Student Type: Regular, Achievement:
<br /> <b> Keywords: </b> Climate change, Khulna city, land use, flood vulnerability, Geographic Information System
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),Bangladesh (2001-2007) Group: Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Student Type: Regular, Merit Position: 4, Achievement: University Merit Scholarship
<a href="" target="_blank"> <font color="green"> Journal Paper </font> </a> <br /> <br /> <b> Thesis Title: </b> <br /> Localization of Socio-Economic Facilities in Narsingdi District <br
Higher Secondary School
New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi,Bangladesh (1999-2001) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular, Achievement: Board Scholarship
Secondary School Certificate
Patnitala High School,Bangladesh (1994-1999) Group: Science, Student Type: Regular, Achievement: Board Scholarship

Scholarship and Award

  • University Merit Scholarship

    This scholarship based on merit position of the semester result at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

  • Technical and Compensatory Scholarship

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

  • Board Scholarship (General)

    Board Scholarship (General) in Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Examination from Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

  • Junior Scholarship

    Patnitala High School, Naogaon, Bangladesh (Class 8)


  • GIS, Remote Sensing Applications in Disaster Management and Risk Reduction, Water and Environment, Climate Change, Urban Planning and development
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
    Remote Sensing (RS)
    Disaster Management
    Water and Environment
    Climate Change
    Urban Planning and development

    “Building Khulna as Water Resilient City through proper Urban Planning and Smart Water Management Technology” Funded by University Grant
    July, 2018 – June, 2019

    This study aims to explore the scope of the principles and techniques to be considered in urban planning for building water resilient city using smart water management technologies.
    • To investigate the existing urban flooding, water-logging and associated problems for Khulna City.
    • To identify the prospects of Khulna City with water resilient city associated techniques viz. permeable soil, permeable roads, rooftop gardens, rain gardens, vertical farming, active solar energy, urban agriculture, rainwater harvesting, green space and blue space such as ponds and lakes, flood warnings, sustainable drainage, etc.
    • To provide some recommends against the urban flooding and water logging problems and to build Khulna as water resilient city.

    “Country Study: Disaster, Climate Change and Poverty in Bangladesh”
    Funded by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

    January, 2018 – August, 2018

    Considering aforementioned facets, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations designs a country study that aims to enhance the understanding disaster, climate change and poverty nexus through analysing policies and programmes. Therefore, the bidder aims to develop a methodology of the country study in order to participate in the bidding process. According to Terms of Reference, the country study will address the following objectives:
    • To provide a good understanding on how the nexus between disasters, climate change and poverty is being addressed in the policies and programmes
    • To assess the extent to which poverty reduction, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation approaches or strategies are effective in building resilience of poor people
    • To strengthen FAO’s interventions that can attract financial resources to support resilience options at scale

    “Response of Natural Disasters through Resilience: Addressing Extreme Climatic Disasters to Annihilate the Insecurity of Food, Nutrition and Livelihood – A Study on Disaster Affected Communities in Bangladesh”
    In collaboration with University College London (UCL), UK
    December, 2016 – September, 2017

    To increase the capacity of vulnerable people, in term of food security, balanced nutrition intake and improved livelihood.
    The scope of work of the project:
    • An analysis of the impacts of extreme climatic disasters such as floods, drought, and cyclones on the livelihood of poor people of Bangladesh;
    • Recommendation on sustainable mechanisms and alternative means of livelihoods to ensure food security and resilience through ecosystem services and other innovative and alternative strategies;
    • Assessment of the recommended mechanisms and strategies;
    • Implications of gender dimension in those options.

    “Compact Township titled as Palli Janapath is a Remedy against Environmental Challenges and Sluggish Economy in Bangladesh”
    Funded by University Grant Commission (UGC)

    July, 2015 – June, 2016
    This research aimed to explore the economic and environmental implications with site suitability analysis of the given project in order to achieving viable economic growth and environmental sustainability.
    • To investigate the present physical, socio-economic and environmental scenario of the study area.
    • To carry out detailed environmental analysis from different angles including site suitability with the help of GIS technology for achieving environmental sustainability.
    • To explore the possible economic implications of the project to expedite the national economic growth.

    “Savings Mayur River and its Connected Canals of Khulna City” A Project of BAWIN, a wing of Transparency International Bangladesh.

    February, 2015 – June, 2015

    A fact finding study conducted by the DURP, KUET for knowing present situation of illegal encroachment of Mayur River and its connecting canals. This study also tried to dig out the potential governance risks which are contributing to the destruction of the river.
    • Identify major governance risks/deficits that are contributing to the destruction of the Mayur river;
    • Generate evidence-based knowledge for advocacy with concerned stakeholders;


Service Records
  • Trainer
    Department/Section: Training
    Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: GIS and Remote Sensing
    Responsibility: Providing Training on GIS and Remote Sensing. Modules for Remote Sensing are as follows:
    •Module-I: Introduction to Remote Sensing (RS)
    •Module-II: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (RS)
    •Module-III: Navigate around the IMAGINE Essentials and IMAGINE interfaces
    •Module-IV: Import digital data into the IMAGINE Environment
    •Module-V: Create, edit and integrate ESRI Shape files
    •Module-VI: Introduction to Different Tools
    •Module-VII: Introduction to Batch Processing
    •Module-VIII: Perform spatial and spectral enhancements on multispectral imagery
    •Module-IX: Image Classifications
    •Module-X: Image Analysis
    •Module-XI: Spatial Modeling
    •Module-XII: Map Composition
    •Module-XIII: Training Evaluation

    Training Modules for Geographic Information System (GIS) are as follows:
    •Module-0: Introductory
    •Module-I: Fundamentals of GIS & Introduction to ArcGIS
    •Module-II: Software Demonstration with its Basic Modules
    •Module-III: Map Projection and Coordinate system
    •Module-IV: Spatial Referencing
    •Module-V: Digitizing, Editing and GIS Database Building
    •Module-VI: Basic Geo-processing (Vector Based Analysis)
    •Module-VII: Raster Analysis (Using Spatial Analyst)
    •Module-VIII: Image Classification and Analysis
    •Module-IX: Terrain Analysis
    •Module-X: GIS Automation with ArcGIS Model Builder, Spatial
    •Transformation and Working with Google Earth
    •Module-XI: Map Composition and Printing
    •Module-XII: Problem Solving
    •Module-XIII: Case Study, Problem Solving & Final Evaluation
  • Adjunct Faculty
    Department/Section: Public Health
    ASA University Bangladesh 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Public Health and GIS
    Responsibility: Teaching on the following module:
    •Module-I: Introduction to health geography and GIS
    •Module-II: Introduction to GIS Concept and Technology and its Applications in PH
    •Module-III: Geographic Coordinate Systems & Map Projections
    •Module-IV: Acquiring and Preparing Spatial Data, Visualizing health data, Designing Maps for Health Study
    •Module-V: Role of Remote Sensing in PH
    •Module-VI: Spatial analysis, Disease Mapping
    •Module-VII: Disease clustering & Analyzing Environmental hazards
  • GIS Analyst
    Department/Section: GIS
    Golden Harvest Scankort GIS Limited 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: GIS and Remote Sensing

    •Editing of LIDAR Data for Digital Terrain Model (DTM) & Digital surface Model (DSM) with the help of Ortho-photo by Cloud Peak LASEDIT software.
    •Drawing of Seam line with the help of CadcorpSIS Map Modeler, ArcGIS 9.0.
  • Trainer
    Department/Section: Infrastructure Solutions Division
    Autodesk Bangladesh: Win-Win Infosys Ltd. 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Training and Software Demonstration
    •Entrusted with providing training to the GIS professionals of different organizations on analysis, modelling and the like on AutoCAD 2D and 3D, AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Raster Design, Autodesk Map Guide Enterprise and Autodesk Map Guide Studio,
    •Imparting lecture on the GIS software at Authorized Training Centre,
    •Conduct presentation on Autodesk software in different organizations.
  • Urban Planning
    Department/Section: Urban Planning
    Data Experts (Pvt.) Limited (datEx) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Urban Planning, GIS
    Responsibility: •Carry out extensive relevant studies and prepare reports;
    •Conduct Workshops at regional level (covering 19 Municipalities of 8 districts in Rangpur Region) stressing the need for an Infrastructure Development Plan as well as Master Plan for all Municipalities.
    •Conduct Training for Municipalities staffs (Urban Planner, Engineer, Surveyor and other technical and management staffs) stressing the need, importance for a Master Plan (containing Infrastructure development guideline, Land use, Traffic and Environmental Plan for next 20 years);
    •Provide Guideline to Municipalities staffs for using Infrastructure development plan with maps as a development control and management tool and involve them in the process;
    •Assist senior planners and other experts of the planning team to find out the optimum solution of different urban problems of the project areas leading to a successful preparation of that Master Plan.
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Urban and Regional Planning (URP)
    Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Disaster Management, GIS, RS, Photogrammetry, Urban Planning, Urban Development
    Responsibility: •Teaching on different courses
    •Supervision of research works (Thesis and research works of the students)
    •Conducting academic researches and maintain linkage and liaison with other universities and R&D organizations
    •Participate in different seminar, conferences, workshop, etc.
    •Work on different projects having MoU between URP, KUET and other organizations.
  • GIS & Remote Sensing Specialist
    Department/Section: Information and Communication Technology
    Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: GIS, RS, Photogrammetry, Urban Planning, Urban Development
    Responsibility: Geo-processing
    spatial analysis and GIS modelling
    Customizing and executing of different type of spatial analysis and ArcGIS interface
    Spatial tool development using ArcGIS modelling
    3D Surface Analysis
    GIS Mapping
    coordinating and supervising of data processing and collections
    Remote Sensing data geo-referencing, processing, interpretation and its application
    Urban Growth Modelling
    Land Use Planning
    Management and storing of Spatial Data
    Design & development of reports
    Training and technology transfer to the clients
    Metadata base design and development, Report writing etc.
Professional Body Membership
  • Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID: 509

  • Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

    Member Type: Professional Planner
    Member ID: LDR/MBIP509//2013-003

  • Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

    Member Type: RAJUK Enlisted Planner
    Member ID: RP09004

  • BUET Planners Association

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID: 165

  • BUET Alumni Association (BUETAA)

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID:

  • Bangladesh Society of GeoInformatics

    Member Type: Executive Member
    Member ID:

  • Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

    Member Type: Board Member (Research and Publication)
    Member ID:

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction An Objective Analysis of Walkability Assessment: A Case Study of Khulna City Corporation Area, Bangladesh

Sourav Bhadra (1017019)
A.K.M Tanbin Sazid (1017026)

• To find out the level of neighborhood walkability on the basis of urban built environment

Planning An Optimal Road Network By Considering Settlement Hierarchy & Road IRI Value: A Case Study on Phultala Union, Phultala, Bangladesh

Md. Al-Arman Khan (1017029)
Md. Kamrul Hasan Sarkar (1017037)

• To review the current rural road network development strategies conducted by LGED
• To Identify settlement hierarchy and provide optimal road network solution

Discrete Mode Choice Behavior Modelling for Working And Educational Purposes Through Multinomial Logistic Regression by SPSS: A Case Study on Khulna City, Bangladesh

Abir Biswas (1017036)
Md. Anisur Rahman (1017058)

• Creating a multinomial logistic model representing the existing mode choice behavior of Boyra
• Validating the model with respect to the existing situation
• To determine the lack or surplus in the flow of modes to satisfy demand

Investigating Climate Change Induced Waterlogging and Drainage Capacity for Khulna City

Showmitra Kumar Sarkar (1117046)
Md. Atikur Rahman

• To delineate the catchment area and estimate the amount of water in each catchment area by considering the climate change issues.
• To investigate the drainage capacity and identify the impacts of flooding water on infrastructure and life line in the study area.

Assessment and Prediction of Soil Salinity & Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna

Mehedee Hassan (1117041)
Naimul Islam (1117035)

• To develop remote sensing based salinity detection technique.
• Assessment of previous soil salinity trends and Prediction of soil salinity after a certain time.
• Identification of the impacts of soil salinity on land use and prediction of the future possible changes in land use.

Estimation of Areas with High Erosion Risk and Analysis of Socio-Economic Vulnerability: A case study of Padma River Basin, Bangladesh

Muhammad Mamunur Rashid (1117051)
Md. Rony Hussain (1117053)

• To identify the location and amount of land is taken away per year due to river erosion and to delineate amount of land reclaimed per year
• To delineate the possible erosion risk zone in terms of high, moderate and less erosion risk zone.
• To identify the social vulnerability and coping mechanism toward river erosion.

Land-use Land-cover Change (LULCC) Modelling and the impact on Livelihood due to LULCC: A case study of coastal upazillas of Koyra and Sarankhola

Sukanto Das (1117054)
Md. Ashikuzzaman (1117043)

• To detect the Land-use Land-cover Changes (LULCC) using GIS and Remote sensing techniques and also investigate their impact on livelihood of coastal people.
• To predict the Land-use Land-cover Change (LULCC) in near future and also reckon the impact on livelihood in respective time period.

Impacts of Salinity in Drinking Water on Human Health: A Case Study of Mongla Upazila

Tandra Bagchi (1117011)
Antara Sarkar (1217040)

• To investigate the present salinity condition in drinking water of Mongla Upazila.
• To identify public health impacts due to salinity and to determine vulnerable areas and groups.

A Feasibility Assessment of the Mayur River and its Connected Canals as Fresh Water Reservoirs in Khulna City

M. Mashroor Zaman (1217008)
Sanzida Rahman Setu (1217019)

• To estimate annual rainfall for specific catchment area
• To quantify the existing and required reservoir capacity
• To make an economic valuation of the cost and benefit of the project
• To assess project’s feasibility

Water Balancing through Precipitation Modeling and Crops Water Requirement Analysis

MD. Mohaiminul Islam (1217010)
Md. Zabir Hossain (1217020)

• To develop a precipitation model to calculate groundwater recharge of the study area.
• To find out the water requirement for various types of crops in various seasons of the year.
• To find out the gap between groundwater abstraction and recharge and providing policy for minimizing the pressure on groundwater for crops cultivation.

Assessment of Vulnerability to Cyclones and Storm Surges in Coastal Region of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Ward No. 2, 5 and 9, Sutarkhali Union, Dacope, Khulna

S.M. Redwan Kabir (1217015)
Syed Arman Akib Rahman (1217047)

• To investigate the present scenario of coastal natural disasters
• To assess coastal vulnerability to Cyclones, storm surge based on selected five parameters and identify the vulnerable elements (i.e. population, roads, household structures etc.)
• To recommend some adaptation measures focusing particularly on the vulnerable group to increase their resilience against disaster events

Development of Strategic Mobile Application Module for Vulnerable People in Hazard Zones

Abhishekh Barua (1317020)

• To develop a mobile app that will locate the vulnerable people in hazard zones as well as provide effective & strategic information on disaster mitigation & management process.

Potential Heat and Cool Islands Determination through Temperature Modeling: A Case Study of KDA Area

Sazzad Hossain (1317058)
Shamim Islam (1317060)

• Extraction land surface temperature of study area.
• Establish Correlation of LST with temperature reduction factor.
• Forecast of LST to Determine Hot and cool location in Study area.

Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Coastal Livelihood: A Case Study of Kamarkhola Union, Dacope Upazilla, Khulna

Suddah Ahmed (1217053)
Sharfuddin Ahmed (1317010)

• To investigate land-use and land-cover change pattern in coastal areas over the last 17 years.
• To evaluate the consequences of land-use and land-cover change on coastal livelihood.
• To identify socio-economic vulnerability and coping mechanism of the people in coastal region.

Future Challenges for Urban Services through LUCIS Modeling: A Case Study of KDA Planning Area

Safat-ul-arab (1317055)
Md. Nabil shad (1317053)

• To investigate the existing land use scenario of the study area.
• To predict the future land use pattern using LUCIS model
• To find out future challenges for urban services.

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024