Department of Urban and Regional Planning


Saima Rahman

Assistant Professor
+88041-769471 (Ext-659)
[email protected]

Research Interest: Environment and Disaster Management, Housing and Associated Planning Issues, Planning Regulations and Control, Rural Development, Urban Economy.


Welcome to my website. I feel proud to be one of the faculty members of URP Department, KUET. I believe that none is born with everything she/he requires for survival in a competitive world of the modern age. So, I believe in a continuous pursuit of self-development through hard working and cooperation in an inter-dependent atmosphere of mutual respect. Currently I am on study leave for pursuing my Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, Malaysia. I have been awarded Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship, 2021-2022 by Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in this regard. Thanks for visiting my personal page.




Masters of Disaster Management (MDM)
Bachelor of Urban & Rural Planning
Khulna University,Bangladesh (2009) Group: Urban and Rural Planning, Merit Position: First ,

Scholarship and Award


  • Environment and Disaster Management, Housing and Associated Planning Issues, Planning Regulations and Control, Rural Development, Urban Economy.


Service Records
  • Assistant Professor
    Department/Section: Urban and Regional Planning
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching, supervision and related academic responsibilities
  • lecturer
    Department/Section: Urban and Regional Planning
    Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Responsibility: Teaching, supervision and related academic responsibilities.
  • Research Associate
    Department/Section: Research
    Disaster Forum 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Research and Development
    Responsibility: Prepare reports for the "Disaster Year Reports" , Develop “Situation Analysis Reports†and disseminate among the member organizations of Disaster Forum, Organizing workshops, seminars and advocacy programs for different proposed projects, Provide support for preparing reports and training manuals for the organization, Visit different areas to interview the people affected by any disaster.
  • Trainer of trainee (TOT)
    Department/Section: Community Service
    Voluntary Services Overseas Bangladesh (VSOB) 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: “CHT, Primary Health & Sanitation†Project
    Responsibility: Conducting field survey, Accessing need and demand analysis, Mobilizing community people, Policy advocacy, Developing linkage with Govt., NGO and community people, Preparing community action plan, Facilitating knowledge sharing.
  • Consultant
    Department/Section: CDMP
    CDMP, Ministry of Disaster Management & Relief 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: E-learning Project on Disaster Management
    Responsibility: E-learning content and material Preparation on "Capacity Building for Effective Response Management System Through E-learning Options"
  • Intern
    Department/Section: Planning
    RAJUK 22-Sep-2024 to 22-Sep-2024
    Working Area: Detailed Area Plan
    Responsibility: Detailed Area Planning related field Survey, report Preparation
Professional Body Membership
  • Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

    Member Type: Associate Member
    Member ID: AM 896

  • Khulna University Planners Alumni (KUPA)

    Member Type: Associate Member
    Member ID:

Teaching and Supervision

Course Conduction Evaluation of Urban Flood Risk with Existing Land Use Pattern: A Case Study of Several Selected Wards of Khulna City (BURP) Riverbank Erosion Induced Housing Scenario and its Consequences on Affected People: Case Studies of Chauhali Upazilla, Sirajganj and Sonagazi Upazilla, Feni (BURP) Contravention of Bangladesh National Building Code in Unplanned Residential Area: A Case Study on Khulna City(BURP) Traffic Circulation Problems of CBD Area as a Consequence of Improper Planning Management: A Case Study of Khulna City(BURP) Urban Flood Management Practices in Developing Country: A Case Study on Khulna City (BURP) Impact of Road Construction on Land Use Pattern in Urban Fringe Area: A Case Study on City By-pass Road, Khulna (BURP) Impact of Tidal River Management (TRM) on the Livelihood Pattern Local People: A Case Study of Gaurighona Union, Keshabpur Upazilla, Jessore (BURP) A Comparative Study on Violation of Planning Regulations in Different Residential Areas: A Case Study on Khulna City (BURP) Indigenous Coping Mechanism in Managing Multi-Hazard Risk of Cyclone: A Case Study on Santa Village at Garakhali Union of Paikgacha Upazilla in Khulna District (BURP) Water logging Induced Changes in Livelihood Pattern: A Case Study on Gopinathpur, Kolaroa Upazilla (BURP) A Comparative Study on Rural Housing Pattern: A Case Study on Two Different Villages in Bangladesh (BURP) Performance Analysis of Public Transport in Khulna City: A Case Study on Journey to Work Purpose (BURP) Assessing the Vulnerability of Fire Hazard considering Planning Regulations: A Case Study on Multi-storied Buildings in Khulna City (BURP) Roadside Informal Business Activities and Its Impact on Traffic Circulation: A Case Study on Khulna City (BURP) An Assessment of Existing Cyclone Shelters of Batiaghata Upazilla, Khulna. (BURP) Integration of Technology in Cyclone Management Practice: A Case Study of Dacope Upazilla. (BURP) An Assessment on Road Median and Its Maintenance Mechanisms in Khulna City. (BURP) Multi-hazard Risk Assessment of Community People in South-west Coastal Region: A Case Study on Khatail Village, Pankhali Union, Dacope. (BURP) A Gender Responsive Study on Community Resilience in Cyclone: A Case Study of Khatail Village, Dacope Upazilla, Khulna. (BURP) Assessing the Risk of Cyclone on Coastal Infrastructure: ACase Study on Batiaghata, Khulna. (BURP) Assessing the Vulnerability of Drinking Water Associated with Hazardous Events of South-west Coastal Region: A Case Study on Some Selected Wards of Batiaghata Union. (BURP) Child Labour in In-migrant Families in Some Selected Slums in Khulna City. (BURP) Ecosystem based Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches for Resilient Urban Environment (Masters of Urban and Regional Planning)

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024