Department of Textile Engineering


Joy Sarkar

Assistant Professor
+88041-769468 ~ 75 Ext- 687
[email protected]

Research Interest:


Welcome to my webpage. this is Joy Sarkar and Currently, I am serving as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Textile Engineering (TE) of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET). I have received Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering from Bangladesh University of textiles (BUTex) and pursuing M.Sc. in the same university. After completion of my graduation, I have served as a merchandiser at Opex and Sinha Textile Group and then as a lecturer at World University of Bangladesh. As Ready Made Garments (RMG) is the top export item of Bangladesh, it is a must to produce efficient and effective textile engineers with modern and updated technological knowledge so that they can contribute in the national development. besides technical proficiency, we want our graduates to be true patriot and law abiding citizen and thus working to produce such graduates through technical and moral guidance. I would like to welcome you again to explore different sections of the profile.




M.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles, ()
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles, () Group: Apparel Manufacturing Engineering,
Higher Secondary Ceritificate
Notre Dame College, (2005)

Scholarship and Award



Professional Body Membership
  • The Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

    Member Type: Member
    Member ID: M/33498

  • The Institution of Textile Engineers & Technologists (ITET)

    Member Type: General Member
    Member ID: (GM- 495)

Teaching and Supervision

Last Update: 10-Mar-2024